I often find myself wandering through the beautiful streets of Jardim Europa in São Paulo when I’m visiting my family. It’s a beautiful place full of creative wonder and curious art, architecture and jewellery trends. The Gustavo Rosa gallery was my destination on this particular occasion and with such happy art, I knew it was going to be a fun day.
What I love the most about Gustavo Rosa, perhaps, is that his artistic talent goes beyond the canvas. We’re talking jewellery, of course! Or should I say, wearable art.
This avant-garde jewellery collection is the result of a five-year collaboration with jeweller Cris Porto of Brazil. After years of research, the final collection was conceptualized and crafted into wearable art, using the finest gold, diamonds, sapphires, tsavorites, rubies, amethyst, and enamel work.
A native of São Paulo, Brazil, Gustavo Rosa was born in 1946 and has established himself as one of Brazil’s most recognized and respected artists. His paintings are full of lively, playful characters and possess a cheeky sense of simplicity that have a calming and optimistic effect on the viewer.
The choice of jewels used in the Gustavo Rosa jewellery collection capture the colourful essence of each character’s personality. Rosa is known for using a soft yet intense palette and the jewels deliver this spectrum in an explosion of colour! The collection is a lyrical expression of Gustavo Rosa’s happy, infectious art. A joy to wear!

GEMOLOGUE by Liza Urla features exquisite global discoveries, trendy urban street style, exclusive interviews and rare jewellery reviews – a celebration of fine jewellery, fashion jewellery and vintage jewellery.
*Styling and Art Direction by Liza Urla.
All photos belong to GEM Kreatives for GEMOLOGUE. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of GEMOLOGUE Ltd.
I often find myself wandering through the beautiful streets of Jardim Europa in São Paulo when I’m visiting my family. It’s a beautiful place full of creative wonder and curious art, architecture and jewellery trends. The Gustavo Rosa gallery was my destination on this particular occasion and with such happy art, I knew it was going to be a fun day.
What I love the most about Gustavo Rosa, perhaps, is that his artistic talent goes beyond the canvas. We’re talking jewellery, of course! Or should I say, wearable art.
This avant-garde jewellery collection is the result of a five-year collaboration with jeweller Cris Porto of Brazil. After years of research, the final collection was conceptualized and crafted into wearable art, using the finest gold, diamonds, sapphires, tsavorites, rubies, amethyst, and enamel work.
A native of São Paulo, Brazil, Gustavo Rosa was born in 1946 and has established himself as one of Brazil’s most recognized and respected artists. His paintings are full of lively, playful characters and possess a cheeky sense of simplicity that have a calming and optimistic effect on the viewer.
The choice of jewels used in the Gustavo Rosa jewellery collection capture the colourful essence of each character’s personality. Rosa is known for using a soft yet intense palette and the jewels deliver this spectrum in an explosion of colour! The collection is a lyrical expression of Gustavo Rosa’s happy, infectious art. A joy to wear!

GEMOLOGUE by Liza Urla features exquisite global discoveries, trendy urban street style, exclusive interviews and rare jewellery reviews – a celebration of fine jewellery, fashion jewellery and vintage jewellery.
*Styling and Art Direction by Liza Urla.
All photos belong to GEM Kreatives for GEMOLOGUE. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of GEMOLOGUE Ltd.
Часто, когда я навещаю родственников с Сан-Паулу, я гуляю по улочкам квартала Jardim Europa. Это очень красочное место, в котором можно найти много интересных диковинок, начиная от авангардных произведений искусства и заканчивая ювелирными украшениями. На этот раз я решила посетить галерею Gustavo Rosa, и я уже предвкушала, что день будет просто замечательным!
Что мне особенно нравится в самом Gustavo Rosa, так это то, что его искусство простирается далеко за пределы холста. И в данном случае я конечно же говорю о драгоценностях. Или лучше сказать — произведения искусства, которые всегда можно носить с собой!
Эта авангардная ювелирная коллекция — результат пятилетнего сотрудничества с бразильским дизайнером Cris Porto. Спустя год исканий и проб окончательный вариант коллекции был утвержден: так на свет родились украшения, которые на самом деле можно считать настоящими произведениями искусства. Драгоценности изготовлены из золота высшей пробы и покрыты эмалью, а также украшены бриллиантами, сапфирами, цаворитами, рубинами и аметистами.
Gustavo Rosa родился в Сан-Паулу в 1946-м году и очень быстро стал одни из самых узнаваемых и признанных художников Бразилии. Его примитивистские работы, изображающие милых и симпатичных персонажей, полны доброй иронии, которая не может оставить зрителя равнодушным.
Каждое уз украшений ювелирной коллекции при помощи цвета прекрасно передает настроение всех персонажей художника. Gustavo Rosa известен благодаря своей мягкой, но при этом насыщенной цветовой палитре, что нашло отражение и в ювелирных изделиях! Украшения коллекции — это прекрасное драгоценное воплощение жизнерадостного искусства художника. Одно удовольствие их носить!

Gemologue by Liza Urla— проект блоггера Liza Urla, освещающий как лучшие открытия в мире ювелирной индустрии, так и последние новинки уличной моды. Здесь вы сможете найти эксклюзивные интервью, а также прочитать о редких драгоценностях. Gemologue — это ода украшениям, будь то высокое ювелирное искусство, винтажные драгоценности или бижутерия.
*Стиль — Лиза Урла
Авторские права на фотографии принадлежат GEM Kreatives по заказу Gemologue. Копирование и использование информации без письменного разрешения запрещено.
Перевод с английского: А. Афанасьева
I often find myself wandering through the beautiful streets of Jardim Europa in São Paulo when I’m visiting my family. It’s a beautiful place full of creative wonder and curious art, architecture and jewellery trends. The Gustavo Rosa gallery was my destination on this particular occasion and with such happy art, I knew it was going to be a fun day.
What I love the most about Gustavo Rosa, perhaps, is that his artistic talent goes beyond the canvas. We’re talking jewellery, of course! Or should I say, wearable art.
This avant-garde jewellery collection is the result of a five-year collaboration with jeweller Cris Porto of Brazil. After years of research, the final collection was conceptualized and crafted into wearable art, using the finest gold, diamonds, sapphires, tsavorites, rubies, amethyst, and enamel work.
A native of São Paulo, Brazil, Gustavo Rosa was born in 1946 and has established himself as one of Brazil’s most recognized and respected artists. His paintings are full of lively, playful characters and possess a cheeky sense of simplicity that have a calming and optimistic effect on the viewer.
The choice of jewels used in the Gustavo Rosa jewellery collection capture the colourful essence of each character’s personality. Rosa is known for using a soft yet intense palette and the jewels deliver this spectrum in an explosion of colour! The collection is a lyrical expression of Gustavo Rosa’s happy, infectious art. A joy to wear!

GEMOLOGUE by Liza Urla features exquisite global discoveries, trendy urban street style, exclusive interviews and rare jewellery reviews – a celebration of fine jewellery, fashion jewellery and vintage jewellery.
*Styling and Art Direction by Liza Urla.
All photos belong to GEM Kreatives for GEMOLOGUE. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of GEMOLOGUE Ltd.