One of the things I love when I’m off on one of my jewellery adventures is finding something so remarkable it stops me in my tracks. I was lucky enough to experience such a find during my visit to Italy for the VICENZAORO International Jewellery Fair. I came across this stunning symbol of peace – an incredible platinum and diamond sculpture of an olive tree in the fashion of Wallace Chan. It’s so beautiful to behold that it quite took me by surprise and I stood staring at it for a good while, lost in its beauty and symbology.
I have a weak spot for contemporary art and sculpture, and when it’s created from jewels like this beautiful olive tree, it makes my heart beat faster. This masterpiece is by the Art Director of the World Diamond Group, artist and theologian Agatino Cappella and was created for their People’s Friendship Award. Sculpted from a chunk of Carrara marble, the tree springs to life in a dazzling display of platinum branches totalling 3,333 grams and 3003 sparkling diamond leaves in a variety of cuts – 2,503 marquise cut and 500 new 82 facets round cut for a total of 366 carats.
Platinum has a deep-rooted meaning of purity, incorruptibility and eternity and is the perfect metal to symbolize universal friendship and peace among the world’s nations. Paired with the external light of the diamond, it’s a magnificent symbol of peace. L’Ulivo Bianco is now enjoying a world tour and my hope is it will touch many people in its travels and continue to spread the message of love, peace, and friendship.
Let your best friend know about this masterpiece and leave a comment below!
I am extremely happy to announce that my new jewelry book – GEMOLOGUE: Street Jewellery Styles & Styling Tips – is now on Amazon. I’m so excited. It’s the first book of its kind solely dedicated to jewellery.
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GEMOLOGUE jewelry blog by Liza Urla is a celebration of fine, fashion and vintage jewellery featuring talented jewellery designers, trendy urban street style, exclusive interviews and rare jewellery reviews. This jewellery blog’s goal is to encourage and educate about jewellery online in a fresh and original fashion to inspire women and men across the globe in a fashion and travelling context.
Jewellery blogger, writer Liza Urla, the founder of GEMOLOGUE, is a London-based and NYC-educated gemologist, who has travelled to and lived in many countries. She is now one of the most influential digital jewellery tastemakers. Her jewellery influence has been acknowledged by Financial Times, The New York Times, Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.
*Styling and Art Direction by Liza Urla. All photos belong to GEM Kreatives for GEMOLOGUE.
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